Creating agents

of change since 1957

Welcome to the Fulbright Community!

A dynamic network of students, scholars,

artists, teachers and professionals from

the Fulbright Colombia Programs.

Fulbright Colombia Facts


and U.S. Fulbrighters


and academic mobility


Master's and doctoral degrees


English Teaching

What does it mean to be part
of the Community?

Belong to a diverse and dynamic community
of more than 400,000 students,
scholars, artists, professors and professionals worldwide.

Participate in national and international academic, social
and cultural activities.

Participate in networking
among Fulbrighters from Colombia and around the world.

Gain visibility for your achievements and successes
through the Fulbrighters Network.

Access academic
and professional opportunities exclusive to Fulbrighters.

Enjoy continuous support
from Fulbright Colombia
and the Fulbrighters network.

Participate in Fulbright Colombia’s selection processes in order to award
new grants to future Fulbrighters.


What does it mean to “be Fulbright”?

Catalina Pineda Molina

Fulbright Minciencias Scolarship – 2014

More than an academic experience, doing my PhD abroad was a life experience, in which I learned to value and understand other cultures, in which I got to know the personal and academic experiences of my networks of friends, study, and work.


Gina Bobadilla

Fulbright Ruta de la Innovación Scolarship Fulbright – Innpulsa Award – 2019

My program at Temple University exceeded my expectations. The professors, the subjects, the academic life, the city of Philadelphia… everything happened in a harmonious, synchronous way and in a way that allowed me to enjoy both the classes and the opportunities that the city had to offer.


Pedro León Cortes

Fulbright Scolarship for Comunidades afrodescendiente – 2010

My participation as a Fulbright Fellow in the Fulbright Afrodescendant Leaders Program contributed significantly to strengthen my capacities to continue contributing to the processes of defending the human rights of Afro-Colombian communities that are victims of the Colombian armed conflict.


Andrés Peña Galindo

Fulbright Estudiante Doctoral Colombiano 2019

The word “Fulbright” opened more doors than I imagined. Being an ambassador for this organization enabled me to strengthen my network of colleagues and professors, even with people outside of academia, who became more interested in my work when I told them I was a Fulbrighter.


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