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Fulbright U.S. Specialist Award (for institutions)


Grants for Colombian institutions interested in receiving U.S. professionals to carry out work associated with teaching, research or consulting.

To whom

is it addressed?

Colombian institutions, teacher training colleges, public sector institutions, research and think tanks, elementary and secondary schools, NGOs, institutions of higher education or other educational institutions.



U.S. Specialist

Category Institutions

SubcategoryResearch and Teaching

Open Call<br>August 29 - November 14, 2024<br>12:00 PM (Colombian Time)

Open Call
August 29 - November 14, 2024
12:00 PM (Colombian Time)

The Fulbright U.S. Specialist Program is aimed at institutions in Colombia interested in receiving support and specialized advice from a U.S. expert for 14 to 42 days. This program fosters new forms of collaboration and strengthens cooperative relationships between Colombian and U.S. institutions. Eligible institutions include Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), public entities, research centers, non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, and other organizations that promote education, research, and development in the country.

To apply for this grant, the Colombian institution must complete the registration form and the online application, attaching a counterpart letter with a commitment to cover the costs of lodging, meals, and local transportation for the U.S. expert, according to the minimum amounts established by the call. As part of the project presented by the institution, the specialist may carry out the following activities:

Curriculum development and/or evaluation

  • Development and/or evaluation of new programs and initiatives
  • Specialized consulting
  • Training programs for professors, researchers, students, or staff of the institution
  • Specialized classes, seminars, workshops, and conferences at the postgraduate level

For the Fulbright U.S. Specialist Program for the 2025 Cohort, proposals to invite U.S. educators, experts, or specialists to Colombia will be accepted in all areas of knowledge, except for:

  • Projects in human and animal health clinical areas where U.S. specialists need to have direct contact with animal or human patients or perform tests, experiments, or clinical procedures involving them.
  • Projects focused on English language teaching, such as curriculum design, faculty training for educational institutions, or consulting for higher education institutions.

Additionally, priority will be given to projects that align with the general areas established in the Program’s Terms of Reference (see the ‘How to Apply?’ tab).


Within the framework of the project presented by the institution,
the specialist will be able to develop activities such as:
  • Curriculum development and/or evaluation.
  • Development and/or evaluation of new programs and initiatives.
  • Specialized consultancy.
  • Training programs for professors, researchers, students or officials of the institution.
  • Specialized classes, seminars, workshops and conferences at the graduate level.

To be eligible for this program, U.S. experts must have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional experience and be approved through the U.S. Program Roster. This grant is not intended to support the specialist’s research projects.

U.S. Specialist

Actividad Fecha
Convocatoria Agosto 29 de 2024 - Noviembre 14 de 2024
Revisión técnica (cumplimiento de requisitos) Noviembre de 2024
Evaluación de aplicaciones Diciembre 2024 - Enero 2025
Publicación de listado de seleccionados Marzo - Abril 2025
Fecha mínima de inicio de la estancia Septiembre 1 de 2025


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