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Hubert H. Humphrey Fulbright Award

For Colombian Nationals

Colombian professionals will have access to grants for graduate studies and research or teaching residencies in the United States.


can apply?

Colombian Nationals

Hubert H. Humphrey

Fulbright Award

CategoryColombian Nationals

SubcategoryProfessional Development

Call for applications Closed

Call for applications Closed




The Hubert H. Humphrey Program offers professionals from more than 160 countries around the world a non-degree enrichment and academic/professional development experience in the United States for one academic year. Candidates for this program must have an outstanding professional track record and substantial experience in their field, as well as strong leadership skills and social commitment.

Under this program, grantees may take graduate-level courses at one (1) of thirteen (13) host universities, and engage in other activities that contribute to their education and experience in areas relevant to their professional profile and interest. The university placement will be made according to the field of study in which the grantee is applying. The program closes with a six (6) week professional internship, which will give the award recipient work experience and exposure to U.S. society.

Upon completion of the program, the beneficiary will have the obligation to return to Colombia for at least two (2) years, to share and apply the knowledge that they acquired during the program.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Award covers the following fields of study:

Human and Institutional



and Freedoms
Sustainable Lands




* Approximate values, which will be defined by the administering agency according to the host university and destination city.

** To obtain this benefit, all candidates selected for the award must have taken a standardized English test and obtained the minimum score required by Fulbright Colombia.



Information available when the call for applications is open.


How to apply?

Read the Terms of Reference carefully.
Asset 4
Fill out the Registration Form.
Asset 5
Register and start your online application through the SLATE Platform. For further details follow the instructions in the Online Application Instructions, Appendix 1, of the Terms of Reference for the award.
Asset 6
Be sure to fully comply with all program requirements and attach the required documents, according to the instructions provided in this document. Submit your application online no later than August 6, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (Colombia time).
Asset 7

How to apply?


Convocatoria (Fecha de apertura y cierre) Mayo 25 a agosto 5 de 2022
Revisión técnica Agosto 2022
Evaluación académica Agosto 2022
Entrevistas Septiembre 2022
Publicación de listado de selecccionados Marzo 2023
Seminario de Orientación Junio 2023 (fecha estimada)
Inicio de programa Académico Abril 2023 (para becarios que participen en Long Term English) o agosto de 2023 (Regular Program)


Informative Talks

Information available when the call for applications is open.

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